Sunday, October 2, 2011

Back to the routine and madness!

So today is my last day of freedom before back to work tomorrow! :(
I´ve been super, super busy with shop stuff this weekend in order to try and get ahead. I know once I get back to work it will be difficult (and tiring!) to find the time and fit it all in.

I am secretly looking forward to getting back into the routine and to be earning regular money again! :) Plus I never know what classes I get until right sometimes, it´s exciting and´s horrible!!! :) I´ll find out tomorrow!!! arrrrhhhhh....

Other than that life is very busy.....and quite stressful. I got from the doctors the other day and I have to have lots of tests (mainly horrible ones) on my colon :( Yuck and horrible. But I am super proud of myself as I am being very brave and trying my best to be positive about it all. I´ll keep you updated - but without giving you the gory details! ;)

Have a great Sunday guys! x

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sam,
    sorry to hear your doctors news... good luck with the tests!!!! missing you on the expat threads.. come chat some day.... besito karen
