Sunday, July 7, 2013

To blog...or not to blog...that has been my question!

WOW! It has been well over a year since I last "blogged" and what a year it has been!!!!
It is amazing how much your life can change in 12 months!!!

I was all set to return home to the rainy UK, when I found the love of my life, (in actual fact I found him a loooooong time ago when I first came to live in Spain and we have been friends all these years...but this is a long story!!!) and within one year we have moved in together and got engaged and then only last month we had a truly magical wedding here in Girona....right in the middle of the forest surrounded by the people we love the most, it was amazing. Check out what a lucky girl I hot is my husband!!!??? :) you can see my life has been very, very full and busy in the last year....I hadn´t forgotten you....just put you slightly to aside for a while, but I can assure you you will be hearing a lot from me super soon...I have lots and lots of plans for the shop ;)

I hope you all have been having a fantastic year as well!!!